Naquagems (NG) is a token in our points system. We hope people with NG can become passionate, enthusiastic volunteers who teach and share Gandi IDE with others. They will lead local communities, organize online and offline events, produce courses and tutorials, create templates, share translations, and much more. In the future, you will be able to spend NG on buying props, rewarding favorite creators and projects, exchanging assets and extending storage, etc.Anyone who contributes to the community can get NG rewards. Currently, there are several ways to earn:
- Participate in the Scratch Game Jam and share the NG prize pool.
- Join Gandi dicord server: +100
- Invite a friend: +100/user
- Bug & Suggestion bounty: +10/single
- Account linking between Cocrea and discord: +100
- Help others receive gifts
More ways to earn points will be launched in the future.