In the vast realm of Cocrea, where creativity knows no bounds, every creator has a unique tale to tell. Yet, amidst the myriad of stories, one stands out – the story of Sepezz.
Cocrea, a hub for creators of all kinds, has witnessed countless works take shape and flourish. And among them, Sepezz's creation achieved a remarkable milestone, amassing a staggering 100,000 plays in a short span of time. While this number may seem modest on other platforms, for Cocrea and its community of creators, it marks a moment worth commemorating.
In this article, let us delve into the world of Sepezz, listen to his voice, feel his determination, and uncover the story behind his journey. It may be just a humble beginning, but it speaks volumes about the vibrancy and potential of the Cocrea platform.
Interview Content
Brokenstrings: Many users in the community may not know much about you. Could you introduce yourself?
Sepezz: Hello I'm Sepezz. I've been using cocrea for about a year now, and I'm the creator of Sepbox.
Brokenstrings: I've looked at your profile on Cocrea and noticed your keen interest in music and artistic creation. Could you share your experiences in this regard?
Sepezz: Well, my experience was really just making things that I liked for the fun of it, and over the years I've gotten better and better at it that I've started benefiting from what I made.
Brokenstrings: Yes, we can all benefit from perseverance and focus. What inspired you to adapt Incredibox using Gandi IDE?
Sepezz: Mainly because I couldn't make official incredibox mods, so scratch was my go too. But as if right now I am learning how too make an official incredibox mod.
Brokenstrings: This is indeed a challenging task. I hope you can achieve it. Did you anticipate your Incredibox mod becoming so popular? How do you feel about it now?
Sepezz: No I never anticipated my silly little thing to become a big part of the community, and when it first happened I was at a complete loss for words, seeing my thing becoming this popular is something that left like a dream at the time.
Brokenstrings: Yes, this has also exceeded our expectations. We had no idea how popular this IP would be in the community. There have been many Incredibox mods within the Cocrea community, including the Scratch community. What do you think sets your creation apart from other mods?
Sepezz: I'm not sure of myself. The best reason I can think of is the quality of them, but even so there are still higher quality mods out there.
Brokenstrings: Oh, Blue Team - Seasons really impressed me, as well as Mopple's creations. I'm sure many people would like to create such popular creations as yours. Based on the success of your Incredibox mod, do you have any experiences to share with other creators?
Sepezz: Expect anything, so much happened during the creation of underworld that it took half a year to make just because one of our dev members when radio was silent for a few months
Brokenstrings: I noticed you run your own YouTube channel, with over 1000 subscribers. Many people find it challenging to consistently update videos. How do you manage it?
Sepezz: I don't really have an upload scedual I just post when I feel like posting. It's more of a personal channel than a professional one.
Brokenstrings: How did you learn about Gandi IDE and Cocrea? Compared to Original Scratch, Gandi IDE is relatively new. Why did you choose to create and share your work on this new platform?
Sepezz: How I learnt Gandi was just me messing around with extentions and with the extra features. While with why I use it is a bit for complex. Back then I used too make my little projects on scratch, and when I started getting more popular I started feeling overwhelmed with everyone asking me for more and more so it ended up leading me to cocrea where I feel more comfortable.
Brokenstrings: Do you have any suggestions for improving Gandi IDE & Cocrea?
Sepezz: One major problem I have with gandi is it lags like hell when having large projects open. Now with gandi there's an issue where the project wouldnt load for some people and stay like that even if they reset the page.
Brokenstrings: This issue is truly annoying. We're actively working on improvements, and we believe these issues will be gradually resolved. Could you share your plans with the community? Will you continue making new Incredibox mods or do you plan to create different types of creations?
Sepezz: I will be continuing making incredibox related content but I am planning on making a game, I just haven't started yet.